International Country Code for Mexico is 52
Local Area Code for Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is 322, followed by the 7 digit local phone number
Calling Puerto Vallarta from USA or Canada is 011 + 52 + 322 + local number
Ph. 911
Ph. 911 / (322) 224-8484
WhatsApp: +52 (322) 242-6982
Ph. (322) 178-8800
Ph. (322) 135-9598
Ph. 071 / (322) 225-5555
A security system located at 120 different points throughout the city for rapid emergency response. To see locations, click here.
Within Mexico: (33) 4624-2102
From the United States: 1 (844) 528-6611
[email protected]
Within Mexico: (33) 4624-2102
From the United States: 1 (844) 528-6611
[email protected]
Plaza Peninsula, Local Sub F
2485 Francisco M. Ascensio Blvd.
North Hotel Zone, Puerto Vallarta 48300
Within Mexico: +52 (55) 5724-9799
[email protected]
Consular Agency of Canada Website
Ph. (322) 221-1298 / (322) 221-1325 / (322) 221-1537
Ph. (322) 222-0923
123 Independencia Street, Ground Floor
Centro, Puerto Vallarta 48300
Ph. (322) 222-1401
448 Mina St., Centro, Puerto Vallarta 48300
Ph. (322) 223-5791
Parque Hidalgo Esplanade, Centro, Puerto Vallarta 48300
Ph. (322) 222-2224
Lázaro Cárdenas Park Esplanade
Romantic Zone, Puerto Vallarta 48390
Chief Tourism Officer
Ph. (322) 222-0923 Ext. 107
[email protected]
Administrative Services Director
Ph. (322) 224-1175
[email protected]
Ph. (322) 224-1175
[email protected]
Marketing Director
Ph. (322) 224-1175
[email protected]
PR and Advertising Director
Ph. +52(322) 224-1175
[email protected]
Corporate Meetings & Events Director
Ph. +52 (322) 224-1175
[email protected]
222 Lago Tangañica Street, Fluvial Vallarta
Puerto Vallarta, JAL 48312
Ph. +52 (322) 224-1175