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Borrachas, pero buenas muchachas


Puerto Vallarta is celebrating Mother's Day by laughing and having a good time.  This Friday, May 9, starting at 9:00 pm at the Teatro Vallarta Theater, get ready for a show that will make you cry. . . but with laughter!

Mexican comedians Cessy Casanova "La Dama de la Comedia" and Liliana Arriaga "La Chupitos" bring their comedy show "Borrachas, pero buenas muchachas" to Puerto Vallarta: a show in Spanish full of humor, jokes and non-stop laughter.

Tickets are available at the box office of the theater and online through Ticket Net.

The Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board contributes to the publication and promotion of the best events in Puerto Vallarta, based on the information provided by the organizers at the time of publication. The Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board cannot be held responsible for any cancellations or changes in the program, venue, schedule or prices. Make sure to confirm through the official communication channels of the event of your interest.

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