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XI National Congress of Architecture

Start : 10-12-2024
End : 10-13-2024

The XI National Congress of Architecture, Urbanism, Design and Construction 2024 will bring Mexico's leading professionals, academics and students to Puerto Vallarta to explore the latest trends, innovations and challenges in those fields through a program of keynote lectures by experts.

The convention is a unique opportunity to expand knowledge, network and contribute to the development of the construction industry in Mexico.

Trends and topics such as sustainable architecture, urban trends, interior design in Mexico and the vision of the world, and artificial intelligence in architecture will be addressed at the XI National Congress of Architecture, Urbanism, Design and Construction 2024 in Puerto Vallarta.

For more information (in Spanish), please visit the official website of Consejo CEA.

The Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board contributes to the publication and promotion of the best events in Puerto Vallarta, based on the information provided by the organizers at the time of publication. The Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board cannot be held responsible for any cancellations or changes in the program, venue, schedule or prices. Make sure to confirm through the official communication channels of the event of your interest.

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