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XXII Pan-American Congress of Les Clefs d'Or Puerto Vallarta 2024

Start : 08-19-2024
End : 08-23-2024

Puerto Vallarta will host the XXII Pan-American Congress of Les Clefs d'Or from August 19-23 at the Hilton Riviera Vallarta, with more than 220 hospitality professionals in attendance.

The Puerto Vallarta Congress is a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience among members of the prestigious Asociación de Concierges de México A.C., as well as a showcase for the natural and cultural attractions of Puerto Vallarta.

The theme of this year's Les Clefs d'Or Congress is "Bringing your Soul to Tatei Haramara", or returning to the roots.  Concierges from various countries in North, Central and South America, Europe and Asia are invited to celebrate Wixárika culture and promote Puerto Vallarta natural attractions, hotel infrastructure and services.

Les Clefs d'Or is a nonprofit association based in Paris.  It has more than 3,000 members in 80 countries.

More information (in Spanish) on the website of the Asociación de Concierges de México A.C.


The Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board contributes to the publication and promotion of the best events in Puerto Vallarta, based on the information provided by the organizers at the time of publication. The Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board cannot be held responsible for any cancellations or changes in the program, venue, schedule or prices.  Make sure to confirm through the official communication channels of the event of your interest.
The Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board contributes to the publication and promotion of the best events in Puerto Vallarta, based on the information provided by the organizers at the time of publication. The Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board cannot be held responsible for any cancellations or changes in the program, venue, schedule or prices. Make sure to confirm through the official communication channels of the event of your interest.

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