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June 07, 2024

Sailing into History: Italian Training Ship Amerigo Vespucci Arrives in Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta is preparing to welcome a majestic visitor for the first time, June 18-23: the Italian Navy's training ship Amerigo Vespucci.

The Amerigo Vespucci has the reputation of being "the most beautiful ship in the world". With its imposing masts and elegant lines, this historic ship embodies centuries of maritime tradition and the best that sailing has to offer.

From June 18-23, visitors and residents of Puerto Vallarta will have the extraordinary opportunity to witness the arrival of the iconic Amerigo Vespucci and immerse themselves in its rich maritime heritage.

A Legacy of Excellence

Named after the famous Italian explorer, the Amerigo Vespucci training ship is not just any ship. It is a floating symbol of Italy's maritime prowess and centuries of seafaring tradition.

Designed by Francesco Rotundi in 1930, this majestic vessel has served as a training ship for the Italian Naval Academy, imparting invaluable knowledge and skills to generations of aspiring seafarers. She will be arriving in Puerto Vallarta with a crew of approximately 400 naval cadets who are in training.

The Amerigo Vespucci is 101 meters in length and 15.5 meters in width. It weighs 4,000 tons and is propelled by up to 26 sails that are distributed among its three masts, the largest of which is 50 m high. The ship also has a diesel engine for propulsion.

With its elegant design and classic beauty, the Amerigo Vespucci is much more than a means of transportation: It is a living testimony to the art and craftsmanship of Italian naval architecture.

The Journey to Puerto Vallarta

The training ship Amerigo Vespucci will be anchored in Puerto Vallarta starting on Thursday, June 18, as part of the second leg of a voyage around the world that will begin in June 2023.

Over the course of 20 months, the Amerigo Vespucci will cross three oceans and dock in 28 different countries, braving winds and waves as she makes her way across the ocean from her home port of La Spezia, Italy.

For the Amerigo Vespucci's crew, this voyage is not just a passage from port to port, but an opportunity to hone their skills and continue a proud tradition of maritime excellence.

The Amerigo Vespucci in Puerto Vallarta

There is no doubt that when the training ship Amerigo Vespucci glides through the calm waters of Puerto Vallarta, a spectacle worthy of admiration is in store.

Against the backdrop of the Mexican Pacific coast, the ship presents a majestic figure with its towering masts adorned with billowing sails and its gleaming hull reflecting the golden rays of the sun.

As part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Mexico and Italy, this is a unique opportunity to board and view this historic ship, take photographs and admire its beauty.

The visit of the Amerigo Vespucci training ship in Puerto Vallarta will include guided tours on board the ship. The tours will begin on Thursday, June 20, for the schools of Puerto Vallarta.

On Friday, June 21 and Saturday, June 22, the Amerigo Vespucci training ship will be open to visitors and residents of Puerto Vallarta. Groups of up to 50 people are welcome.

The guided tours of the ship are completely free of charge. Access will be through Pier 3 of the Puerto Vallarta Maritime Terminal, in two schedules: from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon) and from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

What is in Store for Visitors on the Tour?

While in Puerto Vallarta, the Amerigo Vespucci will not only be a visual spectacle. It will also be an opportunity for cultural exchange and community involvement.

The training ship will open its decks to the public and will offer guided tours and scientific lectures by experts from the University of Guadalajara, who will provide an insight into what life is like on board a training ship.

Visitors will be able to meet the crew, learn about navigating and seamanship, and get to know the shared maritime heritage of Italy and Mexico.

Celebrating the Italian-Mexican Friendship

The arrival of the Amerigo Vespucci in Puerto Vallarta is more than just a maritime event: It is a celebration of the friendship and heritage shared by Italy and Mexico for more than 150 years.

The Amerigo Vespucci's arrival in Puerto Vallarta is a unique event that promises to captivate and inspire all who witness it. The Amerigo Vespucci embodies the timeless charm of maritime exploration and adventure, from its history to its majestic presence on the high seas.

A reminder of the enduring bonds that unite nations and the limitless possibilities that await those who dare to set sail into the unknown, the Amerigo Vespucci training ship's visit to the golden shores of Puerto Vallarta is also an occasion to remember. 

So mark your calendars, get ready to be dazzled by the arrival of this historic ship in Puerto Vallarta. And don't forget to share your best photos aboard the Amerigo Vespucci in Puerto Vallarta through our social networks (Instagram, Facebook, X & TikTok) using the hashtag #PuertoVallarta.

Photo Credits: Marina Militare de Italia.

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